I was talking to another business coach that is in one of my inner circle's masterminds in which I participate. He was sharing one of this client’s market-dominating positions. You know, their unique value proposition, it’s what really separates them from their competition.
And your MDP is NOT the following:
Largest selection Most convenient Family owned since…
Lowest prices In business since… We are the experts·
Best service We specialize in... Highest quality
Your MDP should separate you by solving the ‘hot button’ problem that your ideal customer has that they don’t want with a solution they want that they don’t have yet. Simple, right?
The story he shared was about a realtor in Vegas and what made her the top realtor in the area. See, the problem in her area was that there were a lot of aging sellers that didn’t have the time, energy, or money to remodel their homes before they put it on the market. And most buyers coming in were looking for move-in ready homes and were paying top prices for them.
The realtor saw an opportunity to serve her market like nobody else. She took ‘ugly homes’ and made them show-ready homes. She made an arrangement with the seller that her contractor team would do the necessary remodel that the buyers were looking for therefore getting the bigger sale price. The sellers didn’t have the money to do the remodel but saw the opportunity to get more for their home. She offered to finance the remodel with the repayment coming out of the closing escrow. She didn’t charge extra or negotiate deals with her contractors and everyone won. Her contractors did the work quickly at a good rate and got paid at escrow. Since the realtor knew what the buyers wanted, she often got both sides of the deal getting more commission.
The realtor’s Market Dominating Position attracted the type of customer that wanted to get top dollar for the outdated home and buyers that were looking for remodeled homes. Perfect positioning for a realtor.
Now that you’ve seen a fantastic example of a market-dominating position that attracts an ideal customer, what can you do to your own positioning? If you are interested in positioning your business to attract your ideal buyers, I have a great questionnaire that can help you to discover how to make yours irresistible. Just text me at 949-229-2112
Marcia Riner is a business growth strategist and the CEO of Trajectory Consulting. She helps small business owners to increase profits, drive growth, and to be in a great position to sell it someday. Together, she helps you create your roadmap to increase revenue, drive growth, and maximize the value of your company. Check out her website @www.TrajectoryBiz.com
Marcia hosts a weekly podcast with videos on YouTube @ www.Youtube.com/profitwithaplan and audio @ www.profitwithaplan.com. She also shares business growth tips on her YouTube Channel @Marcia Riner
In her book The Profit Accelerator, she provides 12 Ways To Dramatically Increase
Your Revenue, Profit, And Value. Download her book for FREE at https://trajectoryprofits.com/book-download/