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Keep Up With The Time Change

Writer's picture: Marcia RinerMarcia Riner

Now that we roll forward into daylight savings time, we have reminders to change the batteries. Try not to waste time complaining about the lost hour, it’s really out of our control. Instead, I’d like to add another annual reminder to check in with your business and use this time wisely to make sure that you are on track for the goals that you set in January.

Are you on track for your first-quarter goal? Normally, goals are made up of a bunch of smaller objectives that help you to achieve the bigger direction you want to ultimately take your business. As we change the clock and our batteries, it’s a great time to check in to see that we are doing what is needed. Maybe even change our own ‘batteries’ to give us the power to push through.

Here are some ideas for the time change.

Review what you’ve accomplished so far. Take an hour to review and list out all the great things you’ve gotten done so far this year. Have you stayed on point for the ultimate goal you set? It is always great for team morale to pat yourselves on the back for a good job. Or maybe has your focus shifted? Has it shifted for the better or are you now off course? You’ll never know where you are unless you can take the time to access your current situation.

Plan for your second quarter objectives. Now that you know where you are in relation to your yearly plan, what’s next on your list? Set your team up for success and let them know what everyone has to do next. It resets their focus and gets them ready with clear expectations. Pull out your original plan and update your second-quarter tasks in a monthly and weekly plan. This type of detail is often pushed aside but can be the difference in achieving the intended goal.

Calendar your tasks. We know that the daily grind of business can easily overtake your day and the next time you look up it's 3 pm. Where did the day go? Nothing works better than that little reminder that pops up telling you that it’s time to do something important. Since we spend most of our day chasing customers and putting out fires, we really need to have planned calendar times to focus ON our business instead of on it. I like to use Friday afternoons for project work like improving a process, planning a new initiative, hiring a new support member, or hunting for a new grant. Anything on the growth spectrum that needs to be done by the CEO or the individual team members. This scheduled time is a perfect opportunity to do it.

Hopefully, I have changed your view from complaining over the lost hour to looking at it as an opportunity to keep up with your business.

Marcia Riner is a business growth strategist & CEO of Infinite Profit Consulting. Small Business Owners come to Marcia looking to 2X - 3X their revenue and profitability without spending an additional dollar on marketing or advertising. In fact, she is able to show prospective clients a clear ROI to working with her before they decide to hire her. Don't believe it? Let her prove it to you in just a few minutes.

Marcia hosts a weekly podcast with videos on YouTube @ and audio @ She is constantly sharing business growth tips on all of her social channels @marciariner & @inifinteprofit. There is always tons of content on

Marcia has created an incredible FREE webinar that will show you how you can boost your net profit by 45% in just 30 days. Go check it out while you can @


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